I was organizing my materials today and came across something that I began using towards the end of the year and will definitely continue with for the next. Speech performance cards!
Speech performance cards are used for students who need that extra incentive to cooperate during therapy sessions. Many of them were aware of the fact that they would not receive a grade for therapy and as a result didn’t put in much effort. For these students, I approached their teachers about having their performance in therapy play a role in their classroom grade. Luckily, the teachers were onboard!
At the end of a session, each student would receive a “grade” between 1 (lowest) and 5 (highest). I made sure to outline behaviors that can earn a score of 5. After a couple sessions I began to ask each of my students, “What do you think you deserve today?” They would also be prompted to tell me “why” e.g. “I think I should get a 4 because I was participating, and didn’t call out, but I was giggling with Andrew.” It was great to see the level of insight and awareness they had developed regarding the behavior of themselves and their peers!
After a “grade” was provided on the speech card, the student presented it to their teacher. The teacher would then incorporate it into their grade for the day (usually towards participation).
I found this to be a very useful system as students not only gained motivation to participate because they would get a “grade”, they also had to share the information with their teacher which further served as an incentive to perform and cooperate.
For those of you who need to add a bit more motivation into the mix I provide a sticker on a behavior chart for students who receive a 5 for the day. Students who receive 5 stickers in a row get a prize (I found candy bars to be super desirable)!
After using this system for a few days I began to have non-speech kiddos requesting to be seen for therapy!
What are some effective systems and techniques you’ve found to motivate your reluctant students?
If you download a copy of these editable performance cards, leave me a comment and let me know how it works out!