
Monday, October 29, 2012

Tense Builder {Review}

Identifying and conjugating verbs is a skill that many of my middle schoolers need improvement on. Tense Builder contains engaging animated video lessons to assist users in gaining a deeper understanding of tenses.
Home-screen view
For $14.99 users get:
  • 42 verbs with accompanying animated lesson (will expand to 58 by December)
  • Audio instructions (can be turned on/off)
  • Verbal reinforcement (can be turned on/off)
  • Sentence recorder - users are able to record their sentence and play it back to check for accuracy
  • 2 levels of play. 
    • Level 1 plays a video clip and gives you 3 pictured option. Users select the image that goes best with the sentence.
    • Level 2 plays the same clip as Level 1 and asked to fill in the blank ("The man ____ the painting")
  • Choose between 2-7 choices when playing at Level 2 (see below)
Example of 7 options when selecting a response
  • Select the type of tense(s) you would like to target (future, past, present, or all)
  • Choose verb type to be targeted (regular, irregular, or all)
  • Select specific verbs you would like targeted  (42)
  • Choose from the "long" or "short" lesson style. This lets you decide what happens when a student selects the incorrect response.
  • Access to the video tutorial.
  • Users are able view lessons regarding the respective verb prior to making selecting a response
  • The ability to track and email user results (see below)
Users are able to have their performance tracked and shared
Things I liked:
  • The graphics are very engaging and will grab anyone's attention 
  • There are a great variety of verbs to choose from
  • Users are able to obtain and share data regarding performance  
  • Great way to elicit receptive and expressive language use
Some things I'd like changed:
  • The video tutorial is a great way to acclimate users to TenseBuilder. I would have liked to pause the video and come back to where I left off, but was unable to do so as the tutorial does not have this capability. 
  • Price: Although Mobile Education Tools have churned out quality apps,  $14.99 is costly for the average SLP/educator. 
  • This is a great app to use 1:1, however it isn't able to be utilized in groups (how I mainly service students)
  • The wording can make selecting a correct response difficult (even for me!)
This was one of the more confusing sentences
App Compatibility:

Tense Builder is Compatible with the iPad and requires iOS 5.0 or later.

Take a look at this video to see Tense Builder in Action:

Disclosure Statement: I was provided a copy of this app by the developer. No other compensation was provided. This review includes solely my opinions. 

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