
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Processing Auditory Messages Exactly and Totally {Review}

For those of you who are fans of my Facebook page you know that my district recently provided me with therapy materials to use with students. Over the next few weeks, I will be posting reviews of those materials. There is an overwhelming amount of products to choose from out there, hopefully, my posts will provide you with info regarding  items you deem worthy enough to add to your SLP toolkit.

Processing Auditory Messages Exactly and Totally (PAMET) is a 60 page workbook meant to target auditory memory and processing via black and white reproducible illustrations.


Two instructional levels are provided (I and II). Level I (below) contains simple directives such as, "Circle the bug" or "Underline the chipmunk that is holding the mushrooms."

Level II (below) contains longer more detailed directives such as, "Find something that can move even though it has no legs or hands. Color its eyes green"

A variety of language skills can be targeted through the use of this unit.  Additionally, the comprehension and use of: vocabulary words, prepositions, verbs,"wh" questions, as well as strategies to aid with memory can all be addressed with this simple and straightforward workbook.

Despite being presented as an activity for younger ages (2nd - 5th grade), I find that my students lack many, if not all of the skills targeted by PAMET ($26.55).

In many cases, the idea of coloring may seem rather juvenile to your middle schoolers. As such, I use highlighters instead of crayons/markers, as they serve to "mature" the activity. Also, to add an element of competition (and curb "cheating") to my therapy group, students set up barriers using their speech folders.

What activities/materials do you use with your students to target processing/comprehension/memory?

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